
Iron Route

The Mines

San Aloisio-Tassara di Collio Mine
The San Aloisio mine, established in 1870, was the largest and richest mining concession in the valley and was the last local iron mine to be closed, in 1985. The mine, developed, over various levels connected with one another, extended to tens of kilometres and saw its period of greatest splendour in 1936. Today it it possible to visit the external structure of the mine and the galleries, through the "Mine Adveture" of "Mine Trekking" routes.

Pezzaze and Marzoli Mining Museum
The Marzoli mine was established in 1886 and over the ears became specialised in extraction of siderite and fluorite. The mine extended over several kilometres and was closed in 1972. A visit to the mine today provides the opportunity to experince a collective memory which is still alive and widespread; the mine itself is an involving and emotinal historical museum. The route of the visit is made in part on board a classic miner's train and in part on foot, in order to understand the true reality of the mine.                                   The Marzoli mine is enriched by the Museum which presens: "The world of he miners and the art of iron". The two sections display interesting iron sculptures with naturalistc subjects by Vittorio Piotti and there is a reconstruction of the history of the community of Pezzaze, closely linked to the mine's activity.                                                
At the sight of the dark outlines glimpsing in the side branching of the tunnels, in the images of the miners occupied in the excavating operations and the transportation of the mineral, visual and sound reproductions enrich the sensorial experience.                                   
