
Sport e Nature

Ambient and Nature

The mountains of the Trompia Valley have long exercised their fascinating magic on everyone who enjoys hiking and rambling. This is demostrated by the many cabins along the various routes wich offer food and comfort to those followingany one of the many markerd trails. The local rambling associations have studied and tabled more tahn 70 small trails wich branch off from the main 3V (three valley) path, offering nature lovers many occasions to spend time in the open air and admire the incomparable beauties of nature.

Mine Trekking c/o "San Aloisio-Tassara" Mine in Collio
Mine trekking is a delightful route, approximately 4 Km in the lenght, through subterrean passages ove five different levels. Along the route, it is possibile to observe the manufactured goods which still exist, hide up and down and admire un-contaminated stalactites of various colours: from the blinding white of calcite, to the bloody red of iron oxide, to the absolute black of manganese.

Coal Trail in Cavallina Valley - Pezzaze
The Coal Trail is 1 Km in lenght in an area where the production of coal continued until the 1950s ans '60s. The ancient trail and the constructions in the area (carbon deposits "aie carbonili", a rustinc cabin, a place where lime was produced) have been recovered in order to promote historical and erhnographical research on forestry in Pezzaze. The intention is to bring to light the story that these places tell: the panels provide along the trail tell the oral history of past generations and the analysis of documents held in local archives: telling the tales of coal production and the lives of coal workers.

Spring and Wolves Path in Saeno Valley - Polaveno
The Sprigs and Wolves Path is approximately 2 Km in lenght and concentrates on the re-discovery of some fundamental aspects of community life: the use of water by local farmers and the radition of wolf hunting. Visitors will see a strem and some natural springs which were used once upon a time for animals, for bathing, for water supply and domestic use and they will be interested by presence of ancient "loere", traps for wolves: some of these have been recevered and can be seen along the trail.

Sentiero delle Pozze Monte Maddalena - Brescia
Fino a un non lontano passato, la Maddalena costituiva, in particolare per la gente che ci viveva vicino, una fonte di risorse economiche, derivanti dal taglio del bosco, dalla raccolta di castagne e di funghi, dalla produzione di carbonella e da una sia pur limitata attività di pascolo, che ha nelle numerose pozze d’abbeverata ancora visibili la sua più evidente testimonianza. Il recupero dell’area ha portato alla creazione di un percorso, comodo da raggiungere e semplice da seguire, che collega quattro di queste pozze, e, più esattamente, la pozza Bresciana, la pozza Zezia, la pozza Darnei e la pozza Fontanù. La Maddalena è apprezzata anche dagli appassionati di mountain bike che possono sfruttare le piste appositamente create, immerse nel verde; è anche luogo privilegiato per gli amanti del parapendio.

Park of the Hills
Park of the Jills os an important green space for the surrounding cities and towns, comprising a group of natural environments with ecological features of great interest . As well as the civic area, the hillside areas of the municipalities of Bovezzo, Cellatica, Collebeato and Rodengo Saiano also form part of the park. Mount Maddalena, together with the Ronchi, the San Giuseppe Hills, Sant'Onofrio, the Campiani and the Sant'Anna Hill, grouped together in the Park of the Hillss, are Brescia's green lung. These are ideal sites to spend a relaxing day outdoors, to walk along the many trails, life path, bicycle itineraries, but also for pleasant and convivial moments in restaurants and trattorias to enjoy some of the excellent dishes typical of Brescian cuisine.

Cycle Path along the Mella River
The cycle path along the Mella River, which runs between Brescia and the Trompia Valley, is a pleasant itinerary, ideal also for families. With its mainly gravel paving, the route encompasses both shores of the river, through the presence of pedestrian bridges, overpasses and footbridges. While pedalling or walking along the cycle path, it is possible to discovery some of the Valley's treasures: the ancient Roman aquecuct, Villa Glisenti Park, Calcheres and the Mallet of Sarezzo Museum. On foot it's possible  even to reach the Vandeno Valley where the route dedicated to the Resistence begins.
Ambiente e natura
